7th OJA Forum (Part 3) – Enhancing the Employability of Students: a LMI Model using OJA

In this blog series, international experts on the topic of analyzing online job advertisements present their work. The presentations were given at the 7th OJA Forum, which is jointly organized twice a year by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Topics at the 7th OJA Forum included the visualization and use of data using dashboards and the assignment of job titles to online job advertisements using various methodological approaches. This article is about the contribution of Federico Christmann from the Open University of Catalonia.

From data to action: developing a LMI model for employability in a Spanish online University

 The “Labor Market Information for Educators” (LMI4E) shows how Higher Education Institutions can benefit from LMI to align teaching programs with labor market insights and improve students’ employability. Our tool feeds from Lightcast’s OJA data, ESCO, and other secondary sources to provide meaningful guidance to reshape teaching programs and offer new curricula. This is implemented following a production process that consists of a) data cleaning and validation, b) identification of the relevant labor market for each degree, c) data storage according to the institutional framework, and d) data visualization and reporting.



Further contributions to „7th OJA Forum“:

7th OJA Forum (Part 1) – From data to knowledge on skills

7th OJA Forum (Part 2) – ESCWA’s Sills Monitor

7th OJA Forum (Part 3) – Enhancing the Employability of Students: a LMI Model using OJA

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