Elisa Margareth Sibarani

Elisa Margareth Sibarani is a PhD Candidate at the Leibniz University Hannover. Since 2022 Elisa researches at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer. She is very well trained and experienced in the field of Informatics and Electrical Engineering and she carries several master’s degrees and worked for the University of Bonn, Fraunhofer Institute and the University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen.

Elisa Margareth Sibarani ist Doktorandin an der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Seit 2022 forscht Elisa an der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informatik. Sie ist sehr gut ausgebildet und erfahren auf dem Gebiet der Informatik und Elektrotechnik. Sie hat mehrere Masterabschlüsse und arbeitete für die Universität Bonn, das Fraunhofer Institut und die University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen.

Die letzten Beiträge

5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 5

In this blog series, international experts present their work on predicting the demand for skills using online job advertisements (OJAs). They explain whether and to what extent skills can currently be predicted by using OJAs and address opportunities and challenges. One of these experts is Elisa Margareth Sibarani from Leibniz University Hannover. Job advert-derived time […]