Lara Wantia

Lara Wantia arbeitet seit April 2023 als Praktikantin im Projekt „Beschäftigung im Wandel”. Sie hat im Bachelor Wirtschaftspolitischer Journalismus an der TU Dortmund studiert und bei der Main-Post in Würzburg volontiert. Aktuell schließt sie ihren Master in European Culture and Economy an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum ab.

Die letzten Beiträge

5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 5

In this blog series, international experts present their work on predicting the demand for skills using online job advertisements (OJAs). They explain whether and to what extent skills can currently be predicted by using OJAs and address opportunities and challenges. One of these experts is Elisa Margareth Sibarani from Leibniz University Hannover. Job advert-derived time […]

5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 4

In this blog series, international experts present their work on predicting the demand for skills using online job advertisements (OJAs). They explain whether and to what extent skills can currently be predicted by using OJAs and address opportunities and challenges. One of these experts is Wyatt Clarke. As a Research Economist at IBM Research, he […]

5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 3

In this blog series, international experts present their work on predicting the demand for skills using online job advertisements (OJAs). They explain whether and to what extent skills can currently be predicted by using OJAs and address opportunities and challenges. One of these experts is Fabian Stephany. At the Oxford Internet Institute, he conducts research […]

5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 2

In this blog series, international experts present their work on predicting the demand for skills using online job advertisements (OJAs). They explain whether and to what extent skills can currently be predicted by using OJAs and address opportunities and challenges. One of these experts is Kasper Kok. As part of Textkernel’s R&D team, he is […]

5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 1

Learning new skills is important to succeed in the job market. But which skills should employees focus on? Are some skills more important than others? And how can this be predicted? International experts have discussed this issue at the 5th OJA Forum. Experts from Textkernel, the Oxford Internet Institute, IBM Research and Leibniz University Hannover […]