Dr. Kasper Kok

Kasper Kok holds a degree in Artificial Intelligence and a doctorate in Linguistics. After working as a data scientist in different software companies, he is now a Product Manager in Textkernel’s R&D team, where he oversees various innovations around information extraction and natural language processing in the domain of HR and labour market analytics.  

Kasper Kok hat einen Abschluss in Künstlicher Intelligenz und einen Doktortitel in Linguistik. Nachdem er als Datenwissenschaftler in verschiedenen Softwareunternehmen gearbeitet hat, ist er nun Produktmanager im R&D-Team von Textkernel, wo er verschiedene Innovationen rund um die Informationsextraktion und die Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache im Bereich der Personal- und Arbeitsmarktanalyse betreut.  

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5th OJA Forum: How can online job advertisements help to predict the demand for skills? – Part 2

In this blog series, international experts present their work on predicting the demand for skills using online job advertisements (OJAs). They explain whether and to what extent skills can currently be predicted by using OJAs and address opportunities and challenges. One of these experts is Kasper Kok. As part of Textkernel’s R&D team, he is […]