Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – a series (5/5)

In this blog series, international experts such as Dr. Cath Sleeman of Nesta give insight into their work in the field of online job advertisements (OJA) analysis. Nesta is an independent charity in the UK that promotes innovation for social good. It pursues three innovation missions: a fairer start for every child; a healthy life for all, and a sustainable future where the economy works better for people and the planet. Dr. Cath Sleeman presented Nesta’s work on improving labour market information in the UK.

Talk Dr. Cath Sleeman: Building an open jobs observatory for the UK

Nesta’s work is directed at addressing four areas where there are significant data gaps: skill demands, transitions between jobs, green jobs, and work quality. It is motivated by the detrimental impact that poor labour market information can have on growth in productivity, through exacerbating skill mismatches and slowing rates of knowledge diffusion. To fill one of these gaps, relating to the lack of information on skill demands, Nesta has recently created the Open Jobs Observatory. The Observatory is a pilot project that collects online job advertisements, with permission, and aims to provide free information on regional skill demands, as well as open code. Dr. Cath Sleeman also spoke about the efforts to define and measure the demand for jobs in green industries and the algorithm that they have developed to automatically detect job adverts in these green sectors.

Here you have access to the presentation slides.

The talks prepared here were given at the OJA Forum in May 2022, co-hosted by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. The OJA Forum aims to connect experts in the analysis of OJA, to discuss methodological challenges, and to update each other on the current state of research. Furthermore, it is intended to contribute to further exploiting the potential of OJA analysis and to pave the way for further study ideas and cooperations.


Blog serie about Online Job Analysis

(1/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Johannes Müller

(2/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements –  Talk Jiří Braňka 

(3/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Julia Nania

(4/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Kasper Kok

(5/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Cath Sleeman

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