Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – a series (2/5)

In this blog series, international experts give us insights into the analysis of online job advertisements (OJA). One of them is Jiří Braňka from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). Cedefop works on analysing employers’ skill needs in OJA since 2015. Its data collection, processing, and analysing system is developed and maintained together with Eurostat since 2020 under the umbrella of Web Intelligence Hub.

Talk Jiří Braňka: Understanding national OJA markets – the role of landscaping

As the overall aim of the project is to develop trusted smart statistics on online job recruitments, quality and understanding of country OJA markets is of paramount importance. For this reason, Cedefop and Eurostat carry out country specific OJA market analyses. The studies aim to identify key job portals that would ensure representative coverage of the system and provide context for interpreting country data. Furthermore, the studies provide insight into employers HR practices, preferred OJA boards, type of information usually provided in the OJAs and reasons why some of it – for example salary, experience, or contract type – may be missing. While the analysing national OJA markets is a difficult and costly undertaking, repeating it regularly is of a critical importance as country OJA markets are rapidly evolving. In the video, Jiří Braňka describes the experience and knowledge of OJA providers across Europe and he also addresses the latest findings about Germany.



The talks prepared in this series were given at the OJA Forum in May 2022, co-hosted by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. The OJA Forum aims to connect experts in the analysis of OJA, to discuss methodological challenges, and to update each other on the current state of research. Furthermore, it is intended to contribute to further exploiting the potential of OJA analysis and to pave the way for further study ideas and cooperations.


Blog serie about Online Job Analysis

(1/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Johannes Müller

(2/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements –  Talk Jiří Braňka 

(3/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Julia Nania

(4/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Kasper Kok

(5/5) Employees wanted! Analysis of online job advertisements – Talk Cath Sleeman


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